Blog post 2

With the development of the technology, there are more and more effective tools to convenient people’s life. However, when people are addicted to using these tools, some issues will appear as well. After my study of “a guide for residence EdTech”, I started to do some research about the Turnitin. I feel shocked. “They are “your partner in education with integrity.” They are “trusted by 15,000 institutions and 30 million students.” (Morris, 2018).These number really means a lot. It is hard to estimate how much intellectual property this company steal from students. Another thing is privacy issues when we are using google or other tools, many of us lose our personal things, even we can’t track who is the tracker.

When I saw the example of google, I got the idea how can website like google track our privacy. First thing I did is following the step that this unit provided to keep my data and personality safe. I also learn a lot about how google get our information or some of our personal things. Luckily, after this unit study, I have known the way how to keep my privacy and personality safe. And pay more attention on all the websites or tools that we are using.

When I learn the Turnitin, I have known that our intellectual results are easily been plagiarized by Turnitin. In my opinion, I don’t believe that it’s fair to lose our right and information by any excuse. With the fast development of the technology, it does mean people might get higher level of the privacy instead of tort.  “While students who use Turnitin are discouraged from copying other work, the company itself can strip mine and sell student work for profit”.(Morris, 2018). So, the most important things for this company is for profit, even they always tell people they want to help. Sometimes teachers didn’t mean to run off student’s information or intellectual property, they didn’t notice how bad result will be caused to their students if they put student’s article on the Turnitin. As a result, educators should be looking under the hood of EdTech tools and talking more directly with technologists.Otherwise, we end up with tools — like Proctor and Turnitin (Morris, 2018).

That’s right, behind the EdTech, there are some things that educator may not know that. As a student, we also need to keep eyes on the ethical, don’t allow those company which  just want profit to steal our property.


Morris, S. M., & Stommel, J. (2018). A Guide for Resisting Edtech: The Case Against Turnitin. An Urgency of Teachers. Hybrid Pedagogy Inc.








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